1. No one can be in the pits without a pit pass. In order to have a pit pass, you need to pay the ten dollars, and sign in. When you sign in, you have insurance protection automatically.
2. (This one cracks me up.) Everyone must present themselves with sportmanlike conduct. Anyone using threatening, or vulgar language, or gestures, or any type of harassment can and will be disqualified from the event. Anyone starting a fight will get a suspension from the track before they're allowed to return.
First of all, every time someone pulls of the track there is someone cussing. That's what makes it racing. And second of all, I've punch a guy in the mouth, and got in a guys face. That's two times that I should have been disqualified and thrown out and I never was.
3. In adult classes, driver's are responsible for their pit crew's actions. If anyone is in the pits with you without a pit pass, that will result in points being taken off your score for the night.
4. All participants entering the raceway must be sober.
5. A race may be stopped at any time if the flag men or officials contemplate danger or unsafe conditions.
6. Full face crash helmets, neck collars, or braces, heavy long sleeved jacket (no matter how hot it is) and ankle length pants are required for all drivers to race. Also, gloves, and proper racing sneakers.
7. No one but track officials can approach the flag stand. (That's another lie)
8. No one other than track officials or emergency personnel are allowed to enter the actual track. (Besides racers, of course.
9. Track officials can eliminate a class if there are only four or so karts signed up. (Usually they just combine two classes.)
10. Drivers must attend driver's meetings, or will not be permitted to race.
11.Rough racing will not be tolerated. (This track has three or four favorites, so this rule is an exception to them.)
12. Any drivers involved in three cautions will be given the black flag. The word "involved" will be determined by track officials. (Exception: Kids, and new drivers.)
13. If a kart has no choice but to spin out to avoid a serious accident, the driver that spun out will not be sent to the rear.
14. If your kart is giving you any problems on the grid before you enter the track, you have five laps to fix your problem, or your out.
15. All starts and restarts will take place on TURN FOUR. There is a chalk line drawn to signify the start and finish line.
16. If you jump a start, you will receive a warning the first time, and stay in your spot in line. Second warning, you'll move to the rear of the field. Third, you're out.
17. Heat positions are determined by pulling a number. You pull number one, you start first in the heat. Then your heat finish is where you start in the feature. You get third in the heat, that's where you start in the feature.
18. During a red flag, two crew members per cart will be allowed to enter the track. There will be no tools permitted on the track at this time. No air pressure changes, or anything. If there is a safety issue, you must show one of the track officials, and they will assist you in fixing it.
19. FLAG RULES: (yes, they seriously have what the flags mean in their rule book).
- Green flag- The race has begun, or restarted.
- Yellow flag- There is a caution. Slow down, and be prepared to stop. NO PASSING.
- Red flag- Stop immediately. Turn off carts at this time.
- Blue flag- You're about to be lapped.
- Black flag- Penalty for driver. Driver must leave track.
- White flag- One lap to go!
- Checkered- The race is over.
21. All numbers of the go kart must be clearly visible to track officials, and carts behind you.
22. All karts must weigh in on the scales after the heat, and feature races. Weighing in light or failing to weigh at all will cause you to start last during the feature, and weighing in light or failing to weigh after the feature will result in disqualification and no points for the entire events.
23. All engines must be shut off prior to crossing the scales.
24. Mufflers are mandatory.
25. Burris tires only.
26. All drivers must register to race by 6:45 P.M.
27. Driver's meeting at 7:00 P.M. if required.
28. Hot laps will start at 7:00 P.M. or immediately after driver's meeting.
29. All heat races will be ten laps, and all features will be 15 laps on a normal race night.
30. All drivers must pay a $5.00 membership fee.
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